The Importance of Screening for Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (FASD) – 2 CEs*

Zoom FL, United States

The Importance of Screening for Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Wednesday, April 24, 2024 from 9-11 am ESTCost:  FREE Learn to ask difficult questions about prenatal alcohol exposure, the sole cause of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) DESCRIPTION: This training will help assessors (including CBHAs) better understand the potential impacts of prenatal alcohol exposure on a child's development, […]


Working with Children with Brain-based Behaviors: A Therapeutic/Sensory Approach

Zoom FL, United States

Description: This training showcases a brain-based approach to addressing challenging behaviors developed by neuroscientist, Dr. Stephen Porges’s work. It is also based on the work of Dr. Serena Wieder and Dr. Stanley Greenspan who developed a model known as DIR (Developmental, Individual-differences, and Relationship-based) after conducting research in the late 1970s on infants at high […]


Training on the FASCETS Neurobehavioral Model (12 CEs)

Zoom FL, United States

FASCETS May 2, June 6, 2024Thursdays, 9am-11am ESTCost: $385 ($310 until April 15th) 12 CEs* DESCRIPTION:Neurobehavioral Conditions including FASD: Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach This training provides information about Fetal Alcohol/Neurobehavioral Conditions (FA/NB) and the effects of alcohol and other drugs on the brains and behaviors of children, adolescents, and adults.FA/NB are […]


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): For Criminal Justice Practitioners

Zoom FL, United States

Friday, May 10, 2024 from 12:00 - 2:30pm ESTCost:  FREE ($10 for CLEs) An Introduction to Understanding FASD andRecommendations for Criminal Justice Considerations DESCRIPTION: This webinar will focus on a short history and explanation related to the overall spectrum attributed to fetal alcohol disorders. It will touch briefly upon recognition of ‘red flags’ and will […]


Families Moving Forward (FMF) Program Q & A

Zoom FL, United States

FREE Families Moving Forward Q&A Tuesday, 5/14, 11:30-12:30 PM (EST) Learn about the Families Moving Forward Program, THE CDC-recognized evidence-based FASD intervention.We are actively looking to build a "village" across the U.S.A., and beyond to offer support to the FASD/PAE community. Do not miss this opportunity to be a forerunner in establishing FMF Services in […]

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) Caregiver Training (12 CEs)

Zoom FL, United States

TBRI® Caregiver Training - Tuesday evenings, May 14 - June 18, 2024, 7-9pm EST, 6-8pm CT, 5-7pm MT, 4-6pm PTCost:  $150 Early-Bird cost $130 until 4/30/24 DESCRIPTION:TBRI® is an attachment-based. evidence-based, and trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles […]

Free – $130.

How Does Grief Manifest in Children?

Zoom FL, United States

When a child experiences grief, their expressions of it may be misunderstood asmisbehavior, leading to labeling the behavior as "unacceptable" within theirenvironment. Throughout a child’s development, grief presents itself in various ways, which often don’t coincide with how adult caregivers express their grief. Join us as we explore the diverse ways children demonstrate their grief […]


DC:0–5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood

Zoom FL, United States

3 sessions, 12hrsJune 11, 202, 9:00 am-1:00 pm ESTJune 12, 2024, 9:00 am-1:00 pm ESTJune 13, 2024, 9:00 am-1:00 pm EST 12 CEUs for Florida LCSW, LMHC, LMFT, CMSW offered through CEBrokers. Cost:  Early-Bird $349 until April 30, 2024; $399 For Master’s level clinicians and registered interns, residents of Florida DC:0–5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental […]


Families Moving Forward Specialist Training

Zoom FL, United States

Families Moving Forward (FMF) Specialist Training June 17, 18, 24, and July 1, 8, 15, 16 & 22, 2024 from 10:30 am - 4:30 pm EST. $2,500.00 Learn the evidence-based, CDC recommended, intervention for FASD The Families Moving Forward (FMF) Specialist Training six-day course, and ensuing 10 1-hour intervention fidelity training, teach professionals to deliver […]


Multi-Party Mediation in the Child Welfare System: Thinking Outside the Box

Zoom FL, United States

Learn about the benefits of dependency court mediation, the role of the mediator, and how to "think outside the box" when mediating complex multi-party disputes, especially concerning children and families involved in the child protection system due to allegations of child neglect, abandonment, or abuse. Discover how Dependency Mediation can reduce barriers to communication, diffuse […]


The Difference Between Autism and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

Zoom FL, United States

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 12-1pm EST / 11-12pm CST / 10-11am MST / 9-10am PST 1. CE offered through CEBrokers for Florida LCSW, LMHC, LMFT, CMSW Cost:  $39.00 Description This one-hour presentation will discuss the similarities and differences between Autismand Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (ASD/FASD). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders(FASD) cover various conditions caused by moms […]


Building Hope: Mitigating Risk for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Zoom FL, United States

Friday, June 28, 2024, 12-2pm EST / 11-1pm CST / 10-12pm MST / 9-11am PST This training is for professionals who are interested in identifying two reasons why FASD is a global health problem; tools for identifying substance use in pregnant individuals, and best practices to reduce stigma and shame in the FASD population. Gain […]


How to Talk to Kids About Hard Grief Topics

Zoom FL, United States

Many times it can feel daunting to discuss difficult topics with children. We often think that it is best to shield them from distress by withholding information. This approach typically backfires, making the child more persistent in finding the answers they seek. This training will explore effective, age-appropriate ways of discussing topics such as death, […]


Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness for Children

Zoom FL, United States

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST This presentation will focus on mindfulness-based techniques for children who have been traumatized.  Attendees will learn the psychological and physiological benefits of mindfulness and how it improves a child's self-regulation and self-awareness capacities.  The course will also highlight research that demonstrates the positive impact […]


The Big 3: Lying, Stealing and Raging

Zoom FL, United States

Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST Children and adolescents who have experienced trauma have unique brain wiring and are often at a mixture of developmental ages.  Typical consequence-based behavioral strategies are often not effective and can lead to further trauma and impact the relationship between the adults and children/adolescents.  Participants will […]
